
Here's my massive wants list! If you have anything on my list, let me know :)

- Shaymin (sky form) plush
- Shaymin kid
- Christmas Plush
- Halloween plush (especially Umbreon and Espeon, and the new Pikachu one)
- Victini on a Masterball (rare lotto prize) *HIGH WANT*
- Umbreon/Espeon hourglass
- Entei, Raikou and Suicune minky pokedolls
- Altered Form Giratini plush
- Three monkey pokedolls
- Blitzle/Zebstrika pokedolls
- Reshiram and Zekrom plush
- Eeveelution pokedolls (not Umbreon)
- Pokemon towels, handkercheifs and blankets
- Shinx Mystery Dungeon plush
- Settei
- Cels
- Wailord and other zukan
- Other lottery prizes
- 2011 Pikachu Worlds plush
-Pokemon Anime/Movies on DVD (preferrably Australian or UK versions)
-Pokemon Games - Crystal, Fire Red, Heart Gold, Platinum, Diamond and White. Also any Mystery Dungeon games (Again, preferrably Australian or UK versions)
-Primal Dialga